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Singapore Maths

Shing Lee Publisher was founded in 1935 and have been dedicated to creating a quality Maths curriculum that is used today in Singapore public schools and has been a top performing nation in mathematics for many years. This has contributed to the popularity of the program that is now widely used in many countries due to is success in developing strong foundations with a focus on problem solving.
In adopting a spiral approach and placing a strong emphasis on problem solving, this helps students build a strong foundation as well developing their thinking skills which is relevant in the 21st century.
Focus on Problem Solving
Rather that rote learning, students are constantly encouraged to reason with themselves who certain methods world and why they are used. This develops their mathematical thinking and makes it easier for them to grasp difficult concepts. Non-routine problems are gradually introduced at higher levels to challenge students and to encourage them to think creatively.
Spiral Approach
Taking into account that not all students learn at the same pace, topics may be taught over a course of several grades to strengthen their conceptual understanding.
Students are first taught basic concepts. Each topic gradually increases in complexity as students' progress in level. Basic concepts increase in complexity as students' progress in level. Basic concepts are reiterated to help commit them to long-term memory.
This gives students ample time to clarify any doubts or misconceptions and ensures consistent exposure to key concepts so that they are deeply rooted in students' memories to prepare them for secondary school education.
What is C-P-A Approach?
Mathematics is taught by gradually introducing concepts through the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach.
Students first make sense of new concepts through hands-on-activities. These experiences are then linked to pictorial representations, through images or diagrams related to a given problem. Mathematical notation is subsequently used once students have a firm understanding of the concept.
Having multiple representations ensures that the different learning styles of all students are catered for. The C-P-A approach is particularly helpful for students who face difficulties in learning mathematics. Offering various representations allows these students to gradually build their understanding and ultimately achieve mastery in the abstract.
think! Mathematics Primary Singapore Edition

Levels 1-6
think! Mathematics Singapore Edition is a series of textbooks and workbooks written to meet the requirements for Singapore's latest curriculum. Written in accordance with extensively researched approaches used in Singapore, it adopts a spiral design with the integration of the concrete-pictorial-abstract (C-P-A) approach, careful variation and the use of problem solving, which are integral features of the learning process.
Based on time-tested learning theories, this series incorporates the use of concrete manipulatives and group work. In think! mathematics Singapore Edition, these features are exemplified throughout the series.
Chapter Openers
Illustrates a mathematically-rich situation, often familiar, that serves as an introduction for pupils. Each chapter revolves around a theme to help connect mathematics with real-world contexts. This allows for interdisciplinary learning.
Anchor Tasks
Provides opportunities for pupils to develop essential ideas related to the lesson objective through exploration. Each is also designed to allow teachers to extend the learning of advanced learners.
Our Friends Ideas
Scaffolds conceptual development and provides opportunities for reading and reflection. It also encourages pupils to develop an inquisitive mindset towards learning.
Big Ideas
Characters are used to make big ideas in mathematics explicit. Big ideas in this book includes diagram, notation, functions, equivalence, proportionality and measurement.
Activity Time
Provides pupils with opportunities to practice learnt skills through collaborative activities and games.
Guided Practice
Comprises tasks for further consolidation and for immediate assessment for pupils' learning. Scaffolding is put in place to allow pupils to received guidance while learning to be independent.
Mind Workout
Requires pupils to work on challenging and non-routine tasks to develop higher-order thinking skills through the use of problem-solving heuristics.
Maths Journal
Provides pupils with opportunities to write and to communicate mathematical ideas.
Allows pupils to see the interconnectedness of various ideas in a chapter.
The Workbooks provide pupils with independent practice to cons9olidate and integrate their learning.
The Workbook have five features:
Each lesson ends with an independent practice, which provides consolidation and assessment opportunities. It also helps pupils to develop confidence in being independent.
Some tasks focus on practising skills. Others, on using specific methods. The latter set of tasks are designed to develop pupils' ability to take perspective. Some tasks focus on pre-requisites. Others, on basic concepts and skills. Yet others on the ability to apply and extend one's understanding. This facilitates on-going formative holistic assessment.
Pupils assess their ability to complete each practice independently. This feature aims to develop their self-awareness of the learning process.
End-of-chapter reviews provide pupils with tasks that require concepts and skills form more than one lesson. these help pupils make connections and develop a fuller understanding of the ideas.
Cumulative Review
Cumulative reviews include tasks that require concepts and skills from more than one chapter. These help pupils to see mathematics as a subject with interconnected ideas.
Self Check
Self-assessment is encouraged though this feature. This cultivates the habit and ability to do reflection.
think! Mathematics Secondary
New Syllabus Mathematics is a series of textbooks designed to provide students valuable learning experiences and a deeper appreciation of mathematics by engaging their minds and hearts. The series is used in Singapore Public Schools and reflects the importance of towards the development of 21st Century competencies. Underpinning the writing of this series is the belief that all students can learn and appreciate mathematics. This textbook series will be a meaningful companion for students as they embark on an exciting journey in secondary school mathematics through collaborative and self-directed learning.
Special Features:
Chapter Opener and introductory Problem motivate the development of concepts
Investigation, Class Discussion, Thinking Time, Journal Writing and Performance Task highlighted mathematics as a tool and as a discipline
Real-life examples, application's and problems in real-world contexts emphasis the relevance and beauty of mathematics
Worked Examples, Practices Now and exercise questions ensure a high baseline of mastery
Challenge Yourself problems provide extension opportunities
Reflection prompts encourage metacognition
ICT tools promote visualization and exploration of concepts
Invitation to Code and Opportunities to code expose students to this increasingly prominent skill of the future
Looking Back and Summary consolidate the big ideas, concepts and knowledge encountered in each chapter.