The first book of the Life of Fred Language Arts Series. This series covers English for high school students.
Seven billion = 7,000,000,000, Indentation to begin paragraphs, Three punctuation marks to end a sentence, Punctuation began common usage around 1450 (with the invention of the printing press), Two to the third power, Subjunctive mood used much more frequently in German, French, and Latin than in English, Postscripts, Picoseconds, Six question words (who, when, where, why, what, and how), State abbreviations, Correct way to hold a pencil, Plurals of words (two cases), Irregular plurals, Finding your calling in life, Opening and closing salutations, Only the first word in a closing salutation is capitalized, Australia is between the Indian and the Pacific oceans, Silent letters, Islands vs. continents—the four questions to ask, Homonyms, Topology and more
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