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The Kindergarten Enrichment Guide is organized by week, matching our Classical Core Curriculum Kindergarten program. The week-by-week plan is organized for you the teacher to incorporate activities to bring books alive for your student!


To complete the Literature & Enrichment portion of the Kindergarten Curriculum, you will need the weekly read-alouds. These can be purchased in a set from Memoria Press or gathered at the library, or you may already own many of these classic books.


Kindergarten Enrichment, Third Edition includes an overview of each read-aloud book, author and illustrator biographies, oral reading questions, and a simple language lesson. These activities will help bring each book alive for your student. Also included are resources for the social studies and science lessons, biographies of the artists and composers, and poetry lessons.


Kindergarten Enrichment Sample



Kindergarten Enrichment, Third Edition

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