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  • Enjoy premium quality writing, drawing and sketching in comfort with these Triangular grip 2B graded graphite lead pencils from Faber-Castell.

  • The triangle shape of these pencils with their dotted non-slip grip zone ensure fingers have maximum control for creating a superior drawing, writing and sketching tasks.

  • Each pencil in this 72 pack box has 2B graded lead, which is ideal for darker and bolder line and shading output.

  • Ideal for everyday writing and drawing activities and applications whether at school, work or home.

  • The specially bonded leads help to resist breaking and also makes it easy to sharpen.

  • The wood used in the making of these premium quality pencils has been sourced entirely from sustainable reforested timbers.

  • There are 72 pencils in this tub pack carton, and these pencils are also available in B and HB graphite grades.